Tennessee Chapter Councilor Report

ALA’s Annual Conference was held on June 23-27 in Chicago, IL.  ALA’s Council meets three times at each conference.  The full list of documents and actions taken are available via the links below.

Council Documents – http://www.ala.org/aboutala/governance/council/council-documents

Council Actions – http://www.ala.org/aboutala/governance/council/council_actions

Actions taken at ALA Annual this year include the adoption of CD#41, An American Library Association Statement of Global Climate Change and a Call for Support for Libraries and Librarians and the adoption of CD#44.2, Resolution on Libraries as Responsible Spaces.

In addition to the resolutions above, Council also voted to add the definitions of Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion developed by the Task Force (2015-2016 ALA CD#38_61316_INF, Recommendation #4.2) to the ALA Policy Manual; audit all definitions of equity, diversity, and inclusion across the association to ensure the broadest possible understanding; and explore core values and roles and responsibilities statements to assess equity, diversity, and inclusion. (ALA CD#44.1_62517_ACT)  Council also voted to adopt the Interpretations of the Library Bill of Rights dealing with Politics in American Libraries and with Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (CD#19.12-13).

Memorial resolutions were passed honoring Eric Moon, Marija C. Sanderling, Robert Henry ‘Bob’ Rohlf, Dorothy Evans, Joy L. Lowe, Pauline Manaka, and Amanda Rudd.  Tribute resolutions were passed honoring Keith Michael Fiels and the 20th Anniversary of Victory in the Communications Decency Act (CDA) Case.

I will continue to forward emails to the TLA list and will keep the Board updated on information from ALA Council and ALA as I receive it. If there are questions about the information here, any of the emails that I have sent to the listserv, or about ALA and Council in general, please let me know! I can be reached via email at tla.alacouncilor@gmail.com

Tennessee Chapter Councilor Report

June, 2016

ALA’s Annual Conference was held on June 24-28 in Orlando, FL.  ALA’s Council meets three times at each conference.  I have included below a list of links to the various documents and information that are involved in Council. There’s even an audio recording of each Council meeting if anyone is interested in hearing the actual discussions.

Council Agendas – http://www.ala.org/aboutala/governance/council/council_agendas

Council Documents – http://www.ala.org/aboutala/governance/council/council-documents

Council Recordings – http://www.ala.org/aboutala/governance/council/councilaudio

Council Actions – http://www.ala.org/aboutala/governance/council/council_actions

A number of resolutions were discussed by Council in these sessions.  This included ALA CD# 44, Resolution Calling Upon Libraries to Build More Inclusive Communities; ALA CD# 45, Resolution on Gun Violence Affecting Libraries, Library Workers, and Library Patrons; ALA CD# 39, Resolution in Support of the Professional Cataloging Processes and Determinations of the Library of Congress; ALA CD# 40, Resolution Concerning the Role of Chapters in the American Library Association; ALA CD#20.4, Resolution Urging Immediate Ratification of the Marrakesh Treaty to Facilitate Access to Published Works for Persons Who Are Bind, Visually Impaired, or Otherwise Print Disabled; ALA CD# 20.6, Resolution on Equity for School Libraries for the Department of Education Making Rules for ESSA; and ALA CD# 20.7, Resolution on Equity for All in School Libraries.

As you can see, this conference had a very wide variety of topics to cover and there were many good discussions held by Councilors.  The resolution on gun violence was deferred to the MidWinter Meeting in January, 2017.  The text of the resolution as it stands now is available in the report on the Actions of the ALA Council at the 2016 ALA Annual Conference.  If you have any feedback, please send it to me so that I can pass that along to the appropriate ALA bodies before the MidWinter Meeting.  The resolution on the role of chapters was sent to a working group on chapter engagement and communication.  The full text of that resolution is also available in the report on the Actions of the ALA Council at the 2016 ALA Annual Conference.  Any feedback would be welcomed and I will pass it along to the working group.  All of the other resolutions mentioned above were adopted and are available in the Council Actions document listed at the top of the report.

Memorial resolutions were passed honoring Shereen Marx, Kuang-Hwei (Janet) Lee-Smeltzer, Richard C. Fyffe, Billy Charles Beal, Allene Farmer Hayes, Linda Waddle, Ned Vizzini, John Ganly, Naomi Kietzke Young, Orvin Lee Shiflet, Richard Sweeney, Dolores Bullock Owen, Trudy Seidel Jaques, Larry Romans, Charles Weld Robinson, and Victims of the Pulse Nightclub Shootings.  The full text of the memorial resolution for Larry is available on the ALA website.

Tribute resolutions were passed honoring Barbara Blosveren; James H. Billington; the 25th Anniversary of the Video Round Table; the 25th Anniversary of the Mortenson Center for International Library Programs; Thanking Mary Alice Baish for her service as the 30th GPO Superintendent of Documents; and Appreciation to Congressional Champions for Support of School Libraries and School Librarians in the Every Student Succeeds Act.

I have also passed along information received through the various ALA listservs to the TLA listserv.

If there are questions about the information here, any of the emails that I have sent to the listserv, or about ALA and Council in general, please let me know! I can be reached via email at tla.alacouncilor@gmail.com.

Why Libraries Rock

I’m reviving this blog (however briefly) to join the LFPL Blogathon! As you may have heard, the Louisville Free Public Library in Louisville, KY, suffered major damage from the more than FOUR FEET of flood water in their building in July. The water was a result of a flash flood. Steve Lawson, of the Library Society of the World kicked off a PayPal drive to raise $5,000 for the library foundation by tomorrow, Sept 1. Then a blog-a-thon was created by Andy Woodworth to push the fund drive over the edge. So, go, give, and support a library in trouble.

Why should I support a library, you ask? Because Libraries Rock! (c’mon, you had to see that coming, with the title and all). Libraries rock because they are a haven. Public libraries, especially, allow anyone to come in and learn. Read, discover, learn, talk, get online – all of that takes place at your local public library. Storytimes for small kids, book groups for bigger kids (aka grownups), teen programs (gaming! comic books!), computer lessons for seniors (and others), a warm dry place in the winter, a cool one in the summer. All that is your local public library. Librarians and staff who will help you find almost anything, whether they agree with your views or not.

In these times of economic stress, the library can be so many things to people. You can use the library to find a job, “rent” a movie, check out books on tape for that commute or vacation trip, improve your skills in *whatever* to fix your house, your job, your marriage, your life. Whatever you want to do, chances are you can find out how to get started at the library.

Lets not forget academic libraries, special libraries and school libraries! They rock too! Academic libraries are full of people who want to help students succeed. All the academic librarians I know are passionate about helping students learn and improve the skills they need to do top-notch research so that they can be successful, both in academia and whatever they endeavor to do in the future.

Special libraries….the forgotten few. Tucked away in hospitals and corporate headquarters, these librarians and library staff have to continually prove they’re worth the money the company spends on them. They support research and development, patient education, physician education, and so many other things.

School librarians….we all hear about how education funding is cut and school librarians (or school media specialists, if you will) get cut. These are the people who teach your children not how to read, but how to *love* reading. How to do research. How to use a computer. How to avoid bad information on the internet. All the most basic skills that students need to be successful adults in this information heavy world we live in. They toil tirelessly in schools, loving the kids and working for them.

In short, libraries rock. Hard. They support all walks of life, from Kindergarten on into the corporate office. They help you find what you need, and maybe even what you didn’t even know you wanted! They provide the community with a place to gather and a place to find inexpensive entertainment. They’re, in my unbiased (yeah, right) position, one of the best values you can get for your tax dollar. Even if you don’t support Louisville Free Public Library with a donation, I hope you support your own local public library by stopping by. Get a library card! It’s free! You’d probably be amazed at what you can find there.